Come ormai avrete capito, io adoro outfit semplici, leggeri e comodi, che mi permettono di camminare per ore e curiosare ad ogni angolo delle città senza problemi di ogni sorta!
Ovviamente si può essere sportive ma allo stesso tempo carine! ;)
A tank top with a parrot to visit Palermo on our last day of vacation before heading to the airport and return to our usual life at home, in Brianza.
As you may have guessed by now, I love simple, lightweight and comfortable oufits, allowing me to walk for hours and stroll around every corner of the city with no problems!
As you may have guessed by now, I love simple, lightweight and comfortable oufits, allowing me to walk for hours and stroll around every corner of the city with no problems!
Obviously you can be sportive but at the same time cute! ;)
Tank Top: Motivi;
Shorts: Abercrombie;
Bag: Tally Wejil.
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